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The project of "key commonality detection technology and standard system of pneumatic components" won the second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award

2021-08-22 管理员 Read 155

On the morning of January 8, 2018, at the 2017 National Science and Technology Award Conference, the project of "key common detection technology and standard system of pneumatic components" won the second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award.

Grasp the lifeblood and put innovation first

Pneumatic, as the name implies, is a technology that uses compressed air as the power to carry out automatic control.

Pneumatic system, as one of the three major power systems in industry, is widely used in automation and process control equipment in various manufacturing industries. Its components are the basic components of China's "strong foundation project", which are widely used, and are also the key components supporting high-end equipment such as high-speed railway damping servo, manned aircraft oxygen supply and pressure relief valve. Therefore, the construction of its quality assurance system is the lifeblood of the development of China's advanced manufacturing technology, We must innovate in the detection technology and standard system of the "R&D - manufacturing - use" link of pneumatic components to meet the development of modern manufacturing industry.

Innovate production, study and research to improve the industry level

In 2009, Lu Bo, a doctor of engineering from Zhejiang University, was assigned to study the project and was responsible for the quality inspection and technical service of China's pneumatic industry. Lu Bo and his team spent more than a year building a laboratory of more than 3000 square meters. After that, they rely on a series of self-developed testing equipment to quickly digitize the samples sent by the enterprise and convert them into a series of data in the computer. The enterprise determines the materials, selects the equipment and produces the samples according to the plan, and sends them directly to the customer together with the test results of the pneumatic center for one-time clearance.

From the scheme design of the air-tightness detection system of the cylinder and vacuum generator, to the development of the large diameter flow characteristic test device, the pneumatic component dual-parameter measurement system and other pneumatic component detection equipment, the pneumatic center has greatly improved the detection level of pneumatic products through the cooperation of industry, university and research. Dr. Lubo has actually verified, revised and supported the innovation theory. The Pneumatic Center has presided over the formulation of national standards "Measurement of Flow Characteristics of Pneumatic Components", industry standards "Pneumatic Silencer" and "Pneumatic Pressure Reducing Valve".

Through the cooperation of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing Institute of Technology and other units, the Pneumatic Center has developed the pneumatic component testing equipment such as the cylinder performance online testing system, the flow characteristic testing device, the pneumatic component multi-parameter measuring system, the cylinder comprehensive life testing platform, the solenoid valve performance testing device, the solenoid valve life testing platform, and guided the promotion and adoption of the national pneumatic industry enterprises, It has greatly improved the detection level and efficiency of the pneumatic industry.

Solve common problems and improve China's standard discourse power

With the support of national quality inspection and public welfare industry scientific research projects, science and technology support projects, the project of "key common detection technology and standard system of pneumatic components" was successfully completed, which solved many common problems in the industry, such as realizing the detection of air consumption of pneumatic control components during high-speed operation; The establishment of energy efficiency evaluation method for pneumatic components provides a scientific basis for evaluating the energy consumption of pneumatic products; It realizes the precise positioning of product leakage and greatly improves the efficiency of sealing detection of pneumatic components.

The project has formed 34 national and industrial standards, 1 ISO standard, 45 invention patents, 2 first prizes of science and technology in China's machinery industry, 165 papers and 1 monograph, and has been listed as the key promotion of energy-saving technology in the "12th Five-Year Plan".

This achievement has many innovations in theory and technology, and has solved the key technical problems in the detection of pneumatic components in China. It has carried out energy efficiency evaluation and energy-saving transformation in more than 200 enterprises, and has achieved significant economic and social benefits. At the same time, it has promoted the localization of domestic pneumatic components in high-end fields such as aerospace, high-speed rail, biomedicine, and has enhanced China's standard voice in these fields.

Leading the industrial upgrading and breaking the standard monopoly

At present, the energy efficiency testing method and energy saving technology system of pneumatic components and systems created by the project have been adopted by more than 200 enterprises in China, such as COMAC, Jinning Aluminum Magnesium, Allied Way Daika, etc., which has saved more than 2.8 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity for China in the past three years. Not only that, the project has also been applied to the fuel filling and gas distribution system of the Long March series rockets, realizing the precise control of high frequency variable gas distribution.

In the process of project research, Zhejiang Jinbaike Technology Co., Ltd., as the only research and development and manufacturer of pneumatic components in the project research and development, has made great contributions to the research of energy efficiency evaluation methods of pneumatic components and the formulation of national standards, put forward the design scheme of the gas tightness detection system of cylinder and vacuum generator, and also jointly developed the large-diameter flow characteristic test device, the multi-parameter measurement system of pneumatic components The testing equipment for pneumatic components such as solenoid valve performance testing device has greatly improved the testing level and efficiency of pneumatic products.

"In the past, China's pneumatic component market has always been the leading role of multinational companies in Europe, America and Japan. Now we have broken the standard monopoly of developed countries and achieved the synchronous leading of detection standards," Dr. Lubo said.